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Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Day of Drag Racing...at our Track!

It was an overcast, sometimes misty day, here at the Coos Bay Speedway...so in their infinate wisdom, track officials decided to hold two races in one day! Here is Riley in her new race suit. She went for the jump suit this time, and those are not her race shoes, just the shoes she wears between races. In the background is the lovely Doug hauling out the rest of Riley's safety gear.
Here she is all suited up. Isabelle gets to ride in the breast pocket of her racing suit. I'm in the hip pocket. This is my Sunflower sundress...Michelle just hasn't made it to Joann's yet to get the sunflower decal that will pull it all together, sigh.

And here we are, all strapped in & ready to race. I'm on the left in the lap belt portion of the harness. Isabelle is still in the breast pocket. Riley got 2nd place in the first race & 3rd place in the second race, so it was a good race day for her. She also got to race against two of the best racers in the state, so that is always good practice for her! We actually had 7 Junior Dragsters racing in today's races! And Riley is now first in points for the JR dragsters for our track! Yeah Riley!

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