Who's your favorite famous bear?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tadpole update

Okay, the tadpoles have had a couple of days in the little pond, time to check on them.
We've got several hanging out around the edges. Michelle's going to have to play with the camera a little bit to get better pictures of stuff underwater.
Here are a couple of more. You'll really have to look, but they are the grayish blobs with tails.
Anyway, here I am smelling the rosemary. I'm getting packed up, tomorrow morning very early we're leaving with Riley for the overnight field trip. We're going to the state capitol, the Portland Zoo, OMSI, jet boats, and a special portion of the Portland Zoo on the return trip! Should have some good pictures to post over the weekend.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Riley went with her friend today out to the friend's Grandpa's house & got tadpoles for our little backyard pond. We raised a bunch of tadpoles last year too. Unfortunately, she also got some baby mosquitos, so Michelle's gonna fish those out before we put the tadpoles in the pond.
Here we are mosquito larvae free. Some of the tadpoles are just barely hatched, some are a few days old and some are fairly good size. When they grow up they will be pretty little green or green and gold tree frogs.

We pour the tadpoles into the pond. It's heavily planted w/reeds and mini water lillies, so Michelle doesn't have a filter on it. Eventually we are going to do a wading pool tadpole pond so we have more room. The plants also help the tadpoles hide and they crawl out on them when they get legs.
I can't find them! Michelle explains that they will hide down in the silty bottom at first and then will start coming up where we can see them when they feel more secure. We'll check back tomorrow. Michelle says if last year is anything to go by we'll have tadpole updates probably through the beginning of August. It will be fun watching them turn into little froglets!

Western Pond Turtle search 2009

Yesterday, we were in Eugene while Riley competed at State in gymnastics. She's the 8th one in on the left...she was the shortest of the girls at her level so she got to lead the group out for the introductions.
Here she is doing beam. She didn't do bad, but she wasn't happy with her performance. It's only her 4th meet, but her expectations were very high.

Anyway, today we decided to go to the park and see the turtles. With us are Cieara on the left & Alicia on the right holding me.

Look! The Rhodies are blooming. This is the wild variety and is a lovely pale pink. It rained last night so it still has drops on it too.

Here's a bench in the Choshi Gardens and the girls are posing with me again.

Here are some lovely mini pine cones on a juniper bush. This one is near the Choshi bridge.
Here is the lovely swan resting or possibly nesting in the irises. There is, unfortunately, no male swan at the park.
We found plenty of bamboo in the Choshi gardens, but unfortunately, only two Western Pond Turtles and they proved faster than Michelle's camera, so no pictures today. One was swimming and one had hauled out on a tree limb to bask, but both dived before the camera clicked.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Ashleigh meets a Snug

I was checking out the apple tree which is almost in full bloom. Don't you love the white & pink flowers. They are so pretty and delicate.
But wait! What is the pink fluffy thing down the branch from me? It's almost the same shade of pink as the flowers.
I went ahead and introduced myself. The pink, fluffy creature is a Snug. They are sometimes born in the spring when the flowers are blooming. This one was born from the apple tree blossoms-that's why it's a pretty pink. She's just a baby & doesn't have a name yet. Check out the poll to the side to help pick out a name for the baby Snug.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Another Beautiful day at Mingus Park

Michelle & I went back to Mingus Park for a walk in the sunshine today. Look! The Western Pond turtles are out of hibernation. This one is basking on a nest that belongs to an American Coot.
Look at this pretty flower. This bush is full of flowers that are striped like this, some that are solid dark pink and some that half & half!

Look at the little violets! Aren't they dainty & precious.

Hasn't everyone wanted to lay in a field of daisies! Wow, this is relaxing to say the least.

You gotta love pretty blue wildflowers! I know that I do.

See, the American Coot is back & has kicked the Western Pond Turtle off it's nest. These birds are funny, they look like miniature Dodo birds & make a funny honking noise.

Here are a couple of Wood Ducks, they are one of Michelle's favorites. It was a lovely day at the park today.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Beautiful Spring Day & I've got Overalls!

It was gorgeous out today...which didn't help Michelle, or I, sleep, but it was great when we got up. Here are my new overalls that Michelle finished last night. Aren't they cute! I love the daisy on the bib.
And look! The first apple blossom opened today! Yeah!

Friday, April 17, 2009

The sun came out!

It was raining all morning. Now the sun is peaking out, so I'm off to explore the backyard. Look at this little spider in the Rosemary bush. The Rosemary is also sending out pretty dainty flowers, and it sure smells good!
This is a Japanese Maple that finally came into leaf again. I love the green with red around the edges.
Michelle can never remember what this is called, the leaves start out red & then turn green when they mature & every spring it puts out sprays of these little white flowers. They are fragrant!
Remember Tottie? Here she is pretty much all grown. Isn't she pretty? Michelle is making me a pair of overalls, which is why I'm running around in the "all together". I'm hoping she finishes them up pretty soon, I need appropriate clothes for gardening.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter! Look out for Evil Purse Monkeys...

What could be making all the noise inside this Easter Egg?
Oh No! Evil Purse Monkeys! And we have no safety bubbles!

And then the Evil Purse Monkeys to their Evil Purse Monkey thing. Some start cartwheeling away, others are doing their best to make faces, somersault, and one decides to just chill in the egg.
Baby Easter Bunny and Ashleigh gather up all the Evil Purse Monkeys & put them back in the egg. It's not easy & Baby Easter Bunny has to use some Easter magic to hold them in the egg shell.
After they are all safely back in the egg, Baby Easter Bunny gives Ashleigh her Easter basket. She has a couple of bunnies, an egg with a chick inside and a box of chocolates. Hope everyone else has a Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ashleigh helps Baby Easter Bunny round up eggs

Baby Easter Bunny asked me to help her round up all the Easter Eggs. This one perhaps baked too long, since it grew legs & is trying to run away. Of course, we give chase.
Whew, caught it. But wait, what is that zipping sound we hear?

AAAHHHH! A baby chick! This egg did bake too long. Well, that's one egg we won't worry about gathering for the big hunt. This chick now goes to another category handled by another Easter Bunny.
Wait, Baby Easter Bunny, here's another egg. Do you hear all that scrambling? What could be inside? We might have to wait until tomorrow...

Ashleigh gets ready for Easter

Riley was coloring full size eggs this morning. We were timing them. We started out leaving them in for 5 minutes & worked up to leaving the last ones in for 30 minutes. It is amazing how jewel toned the last ones turned out.
We made this basket up for our Avon lady, Gordon. He always brings us baked yummies with our Avon order, so we thought he would enjoy a Easter Basket. He was visiting Michelle the other day complaining that she should be making Bunnies, not Bears, since it was almost Easter. So, Michelle made him a Bunny.

Here are some of the Easter Bunnies living at our house. The two on the right are actually bears dressed as bunnies, but sssshhhhh, don't tell anyone.

Here is our live Bunny, Thumper. He's very friendly and curious & here he's trying to decide if my dress is a tasty snack or not.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Coloring Easter Eggs

Sadie Sue and I are coloring eggs for Easter. We've got a pot of eggs that are boiled & ready to be colored, and some newspaper down with the egg dye in front of Sadie Sue. We've also got a plate of sugar cookies we are decorating, and another plate of dough we are rolling out to prepare for baking. We've already decorated the Easter tree. Just a couple of days to go until Easter!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Monkey Business!

We have several monkeys at our house, so I thought I would introduce some. This is Chelsea, Riley's Build a Bear workshop monkey. She is a much loved family member.
Here are the Woody Twins. They like to hang out on the apple tree out front. I like to climb the apple tree too, so that's cool.

These are the Orangutans. The big one is a Skoodlez and they claim his name is Tearemazoo. We just call him Tea. The baby is a darling little one made by artist Zelodius L. Morton. She just arrived today, but Michells is much taken with the darling little girl. Be are calling her Beatrice or Bea for short.
And of course there is Original Evil Purse Monkey. He brought along some of his friends from Michelle's purse, the cell phone case and the little Hello Kitty disguised as a Monkey charm. So see we don't just do Bears here.