Who's your favorite famous bear?

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Riley went with her friend today out to the friend's Grandpa's house & got tadpoles for our little backyard pond. We raised a bunch of tadpoles last year too. Unfortunately, she also got some baby mosquitos, so Michelle's gonna fish those out before we put the tadpoles in the pond.
Here we are mosquito larvae free. Some of the tadpoles are just barely hatched, some are a few days old and some are fairly good size. When they grow up they will be pretty little green or green and gold tree frogs.

We pour the tadpoles into the pond. It's heavily planted w/reeds and mini water lillies, so Michelle doesn't have a filter on it. Eventually we are going to do a wading pool tadpole pond so we have more room. The plants also help the tadpoles hide and they crawl out on them when they get legs.
I can't find them! Michelle explains that they will hide down in the silty bottom at first and then will start coming up where we can see them when they feel more secure. We'll check back tomorrow. Michelle says if last year is anything to go by we'll have tadpole updates probably through the beginning of August. It will be fun watching them turn into little froglets!

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