Who's your favorite famous bear?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Good Bears of the World

Michelle & I joined Good Bears of the World! Michelle is a Member at Large & I'm a Booster, since we don't have a den closer than Portland, we'll just be our own den. Right now we're going to try to save up enough money to buy a case of Good Bears to donate to the Women's Crisis Center, since we already donate blankie bears to Child Welfare. I also got an award for patience, cuz my paperwork got lost in the shuffle & they had to find it & sign me up.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Great Crocus Experiment-week 9

Okay, Michelle & I aren't really patient people on a good day. We're not seeing a whole lot of growth here. It's still got four more weeks according to the instructions, but if the growth is not occurring, we're going rogue & doing it our way.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

April Blankie Bears

Michelle got four Blankie Bears done for Child Welfare this month...four seems to be about average. We need more help with this project. Oh, and I have a surprise coming up this week that I will announce probably Monday. Check back tomorrow when we'll have week 9 of the Great Crocus Experiment.

Finally, Spring!

Finally, we have continuous days of sunshine and flowers blooming!
The apple tree is in on the blooming too! Michelle loves it when the apple tree blooms.

The pansys are out in full force on the front porch.

And the viola's are growing in the garden quite nicely.

And there's still tyme to hang out w/Garden Goose!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Great Crocus Experiment-week 8

Week 8-some more growth on the top...few more weeks before they can leave the fridge though.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Great Crocus Experiment-week 7

Sorry we're a little late this week. The picture was taken on Sunday, but Michelle has been sick & then had to work so we didn't get it downloaded until today. We've got a little more growth on top, but still not enough to take out of the fridge yet.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter from Ashleigh & Michelle!

Great Crocus Experiment-week 6

We've got some more growth, but still not enough to remove from the 'frig. We also have some more budding on the middle one and possibly the front one. Back next week with more.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Coloring Easter Eggs

Today, Michelle & I, colored our Easter Eggs! We boiled them yesterday, and today they get color!
Three of them got color & shrink wrap. We shrink wrap first & then color, but you can also color & then shrink wrap.

And here they are all done. Michelle wanted to try pastel colored eggs this year, so we just added a little lemon juice to the water w/the dye pellets. I think they turned out very pretty. We've also got some stickers to put on them if we want.