Who's your favorite famous bear?

Monday, December 15, 2008

Shoreacres Lights

The fourth graders from Riley's school all sang at the Shoreacres Holiday lights today. After they were done singing we walked around the park & looked at all the lights. These mushroom lights are at the pond.
My new lighted frog friends are also at the pond. They have butterflies, turtles, snails, worms, and lots of different birds done in lights. There are also several "animated" lights:Orca Whale, Blue Whale, pelicans, frogs jumping into the pond, seals diving off the rocks-but these don't show up well in still pictures.

Here we are in the gardener's house looking out the 2nd story window. You can see just about all the lights from here, but the picture didn't turn out well because the window is kinda frosted up. It's really cold here on the coast right now.

Here is the other bedroom. They've got it made up like a kids room, with lots of toys (especially teddy bears) around. Just wait til you see the tree!

Here is the tree! Notice all the bears amongst the ornaments. This was my favorite room in the house. They even had a little tea set for tea parties!

Here is the scene at the entrance...it's like being underwater.

And here is the giant clam that sits just outside the gardens. There's animated dolphins swimming around the clam, but they didn't show up in the picture. There's also some animated crabs moving around that are cute.

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