Who's your favorite famous bear?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas from Ashleigh!

Merry Christmas! Here is my first present this morning.
Wow, what's inside?

How cool is this! It's a Llama! Wow! I always wanted a llama...on to present number two.

Oh wow! A bonsai tree! Hey, llama stay outta the tree.

What cute packages! A panda pail and a sweet little Christmas bear box! Now to check out what's inside.

Oh man! A towel! How pretty & a snowy white!

And in the little box...a silver tea set, a new teapot, and a troll pillow for my bed!

And now my stocking!

Wow! Pretty plates and some plate holders, now I just need a china cabinet.

My last present...what could it be?

A new afghan for my bed! What a great Christmas I had...I hope everyone else had a very Merry Christmas also!

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