Who's your favorite famous bear?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The things you find when you change purses

Michelle's purse has absolutely no organization, so today while school supply shopping she found what she thinks is the perfect purse, big, organized, lots of pockets. I'm not convinced, so I check it out.
In the meantime, Michelle dumps out her purse so that she can start putting stuff in the new purse, saving out receipts that need to be saved, and throwing away the garbage. What a mess!
Hey, what's this? I've heard something else moving around in the purse when I travel, but I've never found out what it was.
AAAAHHHH! It's an Evil Purse Monkey & it's escaped the safety bubble!
I chase after it as it cartwheels away. Evil Purse Monkeys don't run, crawl, or scamper. They always cartwheel. No one is quite sure why, but it must be an evolutionary survival thing. It's really hard to catch a cartwheeling monkey that is for sure.
Captured at last & put back in the safety bubble. Never under estimate an Evil Purse Monkey. He is now safely stashed back in the purse & the household is again free to go about their everday business.

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