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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Look What's Blooming at Mingus Park

Not quite Spring yet, but there are still some blooms in Mingus park. The pink blooms on this tree are very pretty.
The crocus are still blooming at the park...ours bloomed out already.

Ya gotta love the Magnolia blossums, they are epically pretty.

Close up on the inside of a crocus blossom.

These pretty white flowers are blooming on the pussy willow tree. They almost don't look real.

Check out how this branch is growing. It's all over the place & very interesting.

I just love the Magnolia tree...Riley thinks we need one for our house. It's raining again today, but that's good for the bulbs we planted yesterday, so today we'll just putter around inside. Tomorrow of course is the big day!

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