Who's your favorite famous bear?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Just about have the new garden in!

Michelle got mad at the front planter & took everything out. I decided to help out in starting it over. Here I am getting the necessary tools out.
I love this Gerbera Daisy. Michelle has selected several...seems she likes them too. There's also several herbs, geraniums, and she planted nasturium seeds.

Here I am taking a ride on the Garden Goose. Fortunately, Garden Goose is pretty good natured about giving rides.

This is the Gnome One Eyed Jack and his buddy Yertle the turtle. They help with the weeding & Yertle is tasked with eating slugs & snails-ewwwww.

Here are the tomatoes, and in the background is a cucumber, and a gourd of some type (I forget which, fortunately Michelle keeps the labels). We LOVE tomatoes! So we grow several types.

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