Who's your favorite famous bear?

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hitty Comfort comes to work with Michelle & Ashleigh

Hitty Comfort is one of the HittyGirls travel dolls. She was knit by the very talented Fung Hicks. She is currently visiting with Michelle & the girls. Yesterday, she came to work with us. Here we are posing in front of the phone computer monitor & the CAD (computer aided dispatch) computer monitor. The keyboard that you can see is for the phone. The CAD keyboard is down on the lower part of the desk.
And here I am sitting comfortably on Hitty Comfort's lap. We are now in front of the radio computer monitor. The keypad to the left also works the telephone computer. It was a good day to be at work, there was a pursuit of a motorcycle that ended in a foot pursuit, and some other stuff.

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