Who's your favorite famous bear?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Ashleigh introduces Muffy VanderBear

Muffy VanderBear and her friend Hoppy VanderHare are made by The North American Bear Company. Muffy has even more clothes & accessories than I do. Here are several of Michelle's Muffys, Hoppy is in the back on the left, the larger Muffy in the middle is actually Alice VanderBear and is Muffy's mother. Easter is Michelle's favorite holiday, hence two Easter outfits for Muffy (pink), and the yellow one for Hoppy. Michelle has several outfits and the tea set for Alice & Muffy to have tea parties with. These are very well made jointed bears, the accessories are a lot of fun and there are many to choose from. The North American Bear Company also makes some other bears that are not Muffy related & Michelle has one tucked away somewhere, so we'll take a peek at that one another time.

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