Who's your favorite famous bear?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Trip to the Coos Bay Boardwalk

Today, for the first time, we (Michelle, Riley, Doug & myself) went to the Coos Bay Boardwalk for the first time.
The first stop was the tugboat, Doug was fascinated.

Here is a view of some of the boats that use the Coos Bay dock.

Can you find me?
Inside the middle pavillion they have posts made of all the different local trees w/signs that ID them. Michelle like the Myrtle.

Looking out over the water...
Here is part of the statue in the third pavillion for the fallen soldiers.

And here is the top half.
Looking over the railing into the water is interesting.

Another view out over the water...isn't is lovely. We had a fun time on the Boardwalk.

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