Who's your favorite famous bear?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat!


I'm all ready to go trick or treating, but first we have a costume party to go to. Then it's the downtown business trick or treating & then the mall for trick or treating & then our neighborhood. But first, Michelle is working on carving our pumpkins!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Kittens are Huge!

They are from left to right:Hayden, Ruby, Oreo, and Garfy. Michelle & the kids are sad because we have to start looking for homes for them now. They are such little characters! We are going to look for homes with people who will love them as much as we do!

Just a few days until Halloween! Just wait until you see my costume...it rocks!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Visit to the Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday we went to the Pumpking Patch in Lakeside. Look at all these little, tiny, baby pumpkins!

Here's a good medium sized one.
Isabelle and I relax on a nicely shaped pumpkin.

Ahhh, here is a baby pumpkin that would be lots of fun to carve.

Ooooh, the Haunted Graveyard is open...let's go check it out.

First there's a row of spooky shacks. Looking through the windows was scary!

Ugh! That guy needs a facial!
Undertaker! We must be in the right spot for the spooky graveyard.

Wow, this casket lid is pretty small.

I don't think I'll be staying for dinner...
Stay back! Don't get too close, you don't want to get grabbed.

Wow, this lady took her practice pretty seriously. She's literally played her fingers to the bone!

Uh oh, how'd this headstone get knocked over?

Ummm, yeah.
Quick, Isabelle, run this way...away from the ghost rider, not towards it.

Nothing a quick trip to the beauty parlor can't fix right?

Don't worry no little blue bears were harmed in the spooky graveyard, it was just good, scary, fun. We bought one medium sized pumpkin, two baby pumpkins, and one of the tiny ones. We'll carve those the week of Halloween.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Let's take a fall walk

You don't often think of looking at the color here on the coast. Usually, the wind & rain blow the leaves down before they get really gorgeous, but this year we are having a late Indian Summer & the results have been spectacular!
This is the tree out front of City Hall now. It's so red this year, and it's spectacular.

Here's another tree in front of city hall...this one turned a spectacular yellow.

Close up of some beautiful red leaves.

Check out the pine cones on this Shorepine. They are really big! Michelle wants to snag one when they start dropping.
Here are a couple of trees in Choshi Gardens. They turned yellow too & absolutely glow in the afternoon sun.

Here's the view looking up through the leaves. Very dramatic.

Here's another red tree...

And this one is not only turning red, but has red berries!

Another glowy yellow tree...

And this one is actually turning rust colored! I love the color of the leaves on this one. We've got storms moving through now. The first really good windstorm was last night & there's pine needles, leaves, and branches down all over the place. There's another one coming in soon, so I suspect it's a good thing we got these pictures when we did. Although, now comes Michelle's favorite, walking through the crunchy leaves.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Teach the Kids to Fish & You'll eat Trout!!!

The kids had a long weekend and they spent a couple hours one morning of it fishing. Check it out! They limited out on beautiful, fat, juicy trout! They went to Empire Lake which was just recently stocked w/trout. We have feasted! You know how bears like fish...well Brown bears like salmon, so I figure little blue bears like Rainbow Trout :-)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Trip to the Coos Bay Boardwalk

Today, for the first time, we (Michelle, Riley, Doug & myself) went to the Coos Bay Boardwalk for the first time.
The first stop was the tugboat, Doug was fascinated.

Here is a view of some of the boats that use the Coos Bay dock.

Can you find me?
Inside the middle pavillion they have posts made of all the different local trees w/signs that ID them. Michelle like the Myrtle.

Looking out over the water...
Here is part of the statue in the third pavillion for the fallen soldiers.

And here is the top half.
Looking over the railing into the water is interesting.

Another view out over the water...isn't is lovely. We had a fun time on the Boardwalk.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Kitten Update!

The babies are getting huge! They are almost 1 month old. Here they are with their Momma Tottie.
Hayden is the one on the left trying to climb out of their box. Oreo is on Hayden's tail. Garfy is laying next to Oreo & Ruby is the one checking out the empty (because they tipped it over) food dish.